all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 3AD 2 51.407882 0.11114
BR5 3AE 2 51.400794 0.1127
BR5 3AF 0 51.40387 0.112698
BR5 3AG 0 51.404186 0.113618
BR5 3AH 0 51.400038 0.110221
BR5 3AJ 0 51.40117 0.111797
BR5 3AL 0 51.401582 0.111413
BR5 3AN 0 51.401332 0.108785
BR5 3AP 0 51.401702 0.109737
BR5 3AQ 5 51.401848 0.113625
BR5 3AR 0 51.40075 0.110656
BR5 3AS 0 51.399865 0.11086
BR5 3AT 0 51.399873 0.107942
BR5 3AU 0 51.399991 0.107343
BR5 3AW 0 51.401269 0.108294
BR5 3AX 0 51.399512 0.109003
BR5 3AY 0 51.404412 0.111041
BR5 3AZ 0 51.404457 0.110554
BR5 3BA 0 51.400189 0.108848
BR5 3BB 1 51.402207 0.114131